While the World Economic Forum projects that global gender equality will not be achievable for another century, we know we can accelerate progress in gender equality through committed leadership, collaboration, investment, and interventions that create impact.
As we work on mitigating the economic, health, and social issues the global pandemic has exacerbated, the task of building for a better future lay before us.
This moment in time represents an opportunity for us all: To reimagine and envision more sustainable, more inclusive, more gender equal futures. To step up and come together to take on the great challenges before us. And to take leadership in the evolution of institutions, societies, and cultures, towards greater sustainability and equality.
The challenges before us today are greater than they were, before the pandemic. So must our vision be bolder; our commitment and resolve, stronger.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.