Who we are

The International Gender Champions (IGC) is a leadership network that brings together decision-makers determined to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence.

The initiative was co-founded by former UN Geneva Director-General Michael Møller, former US Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Pamela Hamamoto and Women@TheTable CEO/Founder Caitlin Kraft-Buchman in 2015.

The network numbers over 330 active Champions and 340 Alumni who are the heads of International Organizations, Permanent Missions, and Civil Society Organizations.

Watch this short video to find out what the IGC is about!

To become a Champion

  • One must be the head of an organization, permanent mission, or institution. 
  • One must be based in one of our six hubs (Geneva, New York, Vienna, Nairobi, The Hague or Paris)

To join the network, Champions sign the IGC Panel Parity Pledge , the IGC Gender-Based Violence Pledge and undertake two S.M.A.R.T. commitments per year to advance gender equality in their organization or programmatic work. Champions report annually on their commitments. More information can be found here.

Collaboration and impact

  • Champions participate in bi-annual meetings of the IGC network to share experiences and strategize on how to best achieve our goals.
  • Each Champion assigns a Focal Point from their organization to work on the implementation of the Champion’s commitments and represent the Champion within the larger IGC network. Focal Points attend quarterly meetings to keep abreast of and share best practices, policy developments and events.
  • IGC Impact Groups are led directly by Champions in order to create a strong mandate with a clearly defined set of actions and objectives in a specific sphere of influence. Current Impact Groups focus on Trade, Representation, Disarmament, Justice, Climate and other. 
  • IGC offers a platform for members of the network to amplify messages, campaigns and best practices including through our social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube) and our resources section.


  • The IGC Global Board – currently composed of 9 Champions and chaired by Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary-General Martin Chungong – provides strategic direction to the initiative in such areas as outreach, eligibility criteria, creation of new hubs and impact groups etc. 
  • The IGC Secretariat is hosted by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) since September 2019. Its role is to support the Global Board, lead the initiative’s programmatic, outreach and administrative activities, as well as to support the network of Champions and focal points.
  • Each of the six IGC hubs is led locally by a Steering Group, traditionally composed of representatives of international organisations, Member States and civil society organisations.

IGC values

In addition to the IGC Panel Parity Pledge, the IGC GBV Pledge and their two S.M.A.R.T. commitments, Champions are expected to actively promote gender equality within their sphere of influence, adhere to the IGC values and to act in accordance with the highest ethical standards, including:

  • Treating every person with respect and fairness;
  • Valuing diversity;
  • Creating and maintaining safe workplaces;
  • Working together with other Champions in a spirit of openness, honesty and transparency.

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