Martin Chungong
Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Chair of the IGC Global Board
Global Board
Martin Chungong

Gender equality is the responsibility of all and progress will only be achieved if we all play our part. We need to challenge those who have not been playing theirs.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

Pursue efforts to ensure that gender equality is part and parcel of the IPU's work and functioning, with a specific focus on the empowerment of young women as part of our Generation Equality engagement, in particular by: a) Conducting gender training for IPU staff and consultants in 2025; and b) Organizing at least one activity in 2025 with a specific focus on diverse groups of young women.
Make IPU Assemblies ever more gender-responsive, including by: a) Encouraging IPU Members to continuously improve gender equality in participation at Assemblies and ensuring they comply with existing statutory obligations; and b) Carry out awareness-raising to promote a sexism-free and harassment-free environment at IPU Assemblies in line with the new IPU anti-harassment policy.