International Gender Champions, which stems from U.S. Mission Geneva’s Future She Deserves initiative, aims to unite global leaders around the shared goals of advancing gender equality and unleashing powerful new opportunities for women and girls around the world. Despite widespread efforts over the past fifty years, a significant gender gap still exists in both developed and developing countries alike as women struggle for better representation, fair treatment and equal opportunities. As Gender Champions, I believe we have a critical role to play in breaking down systemic barriers and a responsibility to leverage our unique multilateral platforms, to push ourselves toward innovative solutions, to seek creative partnership opportunities, to hold each other accountable, and to serve as catalysts for change. I am inspired by all we have accomplished over the past five years, and I hope the next five years bring even more transformational change. Women and girls deserve a level playing field, and through this initiative, I look forward to helping make that a reality.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.