Andreas Persbo
One Earth Future Austria - Open Nuclear Network

Achieving gender equality is about unlocking the full potential of humanity. It is economically prudent; we cannot afford to sideline the talent and skills of half the population. It enriches us; Mediation practitioners often speak of women's insights, focusing on sustainable outcomes rather than territorial gains and lines on maps. That perspective changes the narrative in mediation efforts. Finally, and perhaps most fundamentally; I believe it is a moral imperative.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.
Personal Commitments
I will establish two mentorship pairings focusing on strategic leadership and management skills to prepare them for candidacy for leadership roles: (1) one internal staff member with an established NGO leader, and (2) myself with 1-2 women external to our organization.
I will develop and propose a detailed plan for a cross-foundation project in collaboration with our partner foundation PAX sapiens, aimed at integrating UNSCR 1325 into fundraising and grant-making strategies within the peace and security sector, starting with our own activities.