Birgit Poniatowski
Executive Director,
International AIDS Society

For the goal of equality of opportunity for all gender identities to become a reality, we must promote such equality externally through the work our organizations do; internally through our organizational cultures, structures and processes; and personally by modeling appreciation of diversity in our day-to-day behaviour and decisions.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.
Personal Commitments
In 2025, the IAS Youth Hub will develop an introductory course on gendered perspectives in the HIV response. This course will provide an overview of the intersections of HIV and gender, aiming to discuss specific challenges related to women in all their diversities who are living with and affected by HIV. The course will include real-life examples and testimonials of IAS beneficiaries, partners and leaders. While aimed at young people, this course will be applicable to leaners of all ages eager to refresh or deepen their understanding of the topic. The course will be hosted on IAS+ an award-winning, interactive digital platform that provides free HIV-related educational resources and virtual live events to empower scientists, policy makers and community activists around the world.
Following the assessment of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at the IAS in 2024, conducted with the help of external consultants, an implementation plan with various actions related to DEI was developed. Actions in the implementation plan include a DEI awareness training for all staff, as well as capacity building opportunities on inclusive leadership behaviors for management and Board members. Both these actions will be implemented in 2025.