Carlien Scheele
Director, European Institute for Gender Equality
Carlien Scheele

Achieving gender equality is a movement – not a moment. It’s not women who need to be fixed. It’s not people that need to be fixed. We need to fix the systems that perpetuate gender inequalities throughout our societies.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

When it comes to gender equality, many topics are often underexposed, which also results in data gaps. Think about the consequences of femicide or for example the impact of gender stereotypes. With EIGE’s capacities, I commit to bring these topics further to the surface and to raise awareness about them based on our sound research and effective communication, but also through joining up with “unusual suspects” for example at our second Gender Equality Forum (autumn 2024).
I commit to increase our capacity to work as the EU knowledge center on gender equality to make intersections between gender (in)equality and other factors more visible, as to get a clear picture on the situation of, for example, women and men with a disability, migrant women and men and LGBTI persons.