Garance Reus-Deelder
Director, Plan International
Garance Reus-Deelder

Gender equality is crucial to achieve lasting positive change on issues such as poverty and climate change. However, when girls try to intervene, they are often underestimated, tokenised and silenced. It’s critical that girls and young women’s voices are heard and that they can actively participate in civil society.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

I pledge that Gender & Inclusion and feminist leadership will be firmly embedded in our HR policies. Specifically, every year, each staff member will in part be appraised using our gender competency tool, affinity with GE&I will be part of the recruitment criteria and all new staff members will receive training on how to promote gender equality and inclusion.
I pledge that by the end of June 2025, all our programs with a budget above 0.5 mln euro will have generated evidence on GE&I and feminist leadership as part of the program outcomes.