Győrgy Molnár
Ambassador, Head of Secretariat,
The Wassenaar Arrangement

"I welcome the opportunity to be an International Gender Champion and take part in this important network to address global challenges for gender equality. I am committed to supporting gender equality in order to strengthen contributions to international peace and security. I look forward to working with Vienna's multilateral community to further the IGC Network's global goals."
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.
Personal Commitments
Increase engagement and participation in events and platforms for exchange that promote gender equality and diversity for young professionals, especially women, in the security sector (non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament).
Encourage applications from qualified women candidates for forthcoming staff vacancies, explore expanding and further advancing family-friendly policies such as flexible working arrangements and parental leave to foster an inclusive and enabling work environment, and work with the Gender Focal Point and Staff Representative to incorporate gender into training of Secretariat staff.