Itonde Kakoma

With the heightened state of armed conflict, as well as increasing socio economic and political disparities, attention must be given to ensure that the women, peace, and security agenda remains vital in addressing the resolution, prevention and mitigation of violent conflict. To this end, peace building, peace keeping and peace mediation-oriented organisations have a responsibility in not only continued advocacy in the upholding of the established norms but also embodying the spirit and intent of those norms in the practice and the pursuit of building lasting peace.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.
Personal Commitments
I commit to establish a senior advisory board of experts, practitioners, theorists, and public leaders on enhancing and amplifying women, peace, and security agenda.
I commit to promote equal representation of women at all levels of our organisation towards achieving gender parity by 2028.