Janez Kopač
Director, Energy Community Secretariat
Janez Kopač

Women engaged in the energy sector were long underrepresented and this situation is only slowly improving. It is of utmost importance to fully involve them in the critical transition to a future low-carbon energy society. Decarbonisation will not be possible unless every single individual is engaged. We should be promoting women’s entrepreneurship in clean energy technologies but also recognizing that women are disproportionally impacted by issues like energy poverty and climate change and working to address these challenges. Women and men should be equally represented at the leadership table. This is why I am committed to empowering women at the Energy Community Secretariat, where women already manage the majority of units, as well as applying a gender perspective to the development of energy legislation, policies and programs I oversee in our member countries.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.