Josipa Palac
International Cultural Diversity Organization (ICDO)

As a President of ICDO, I continue to incorporate gender equality as one of the goals in all of our projects worldwide because I strongly believe that with gender equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights we can achieve the goals of sustainable development and betterment of society at large. Only by taking action we can create a real change in society and I invite everyone to join and support our efforts.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.
Personal Commitments
I commit to use my position of President of ICDO to support, raise awareness and advocate for the protection of young women in all my public engagements and take more decisive action in the areas of the world where women are excluded from positions of power and decision-making.
I commit to coach, mentor and empower young women, support their community initiatives and provide resources and tools to ensure their private and professional growth through following activities:
• I will continue to organize workshops within ICDO Development Hub that will provide psychological and legal counseling, financial literacy, equipment and support to 500 women in marginalized indigenous communities
• I will mentor one young woman from marginalized indigenous community