The statistics speak for us: today women with equal competence with their male counterparts earn less than them, we are very little present in the management or on the Board of Directors of the large CAC40 companies, our presence in parliaments is, despite the quota policies, numerically much lower than that of men, our position as ministers in governments, except for the Nordic countries that are a reference, is quite limited and hardly in the important ministries. There are trades to which access is practically prohibited.
In this context, I am convinced that the empowerment of women, their arrival in decision-making positions, in positions of power (to be “femmes puissantes”) are fundamental to access and advance in the construction of egalitarian societies.
At the base of all this, education and voluntary action are essential to break this circle of male domination and give women their place in society.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.