Magdalena SepĂșlveda
Executive Director, Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR)
Magdalena SepĂșlveda

At a time when the world is facing multiple crises, preventing the roll-back of the progress that women have achieved in the last decades towards gender equality requires a wide-ranging collaboration among governments, civil society, academia, social movements, the United Nations, and the private sector. Everyone must prioritize gender equality in policies and interventions.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

In the next year, fully sponsor at least four women representatives from organisations of African and Latin American countries to major global events, such as the Summit of the Future, Financing for Development Conference, and Commission on the Status of Women, COP, ESCR-NET global strategy meeting, to encourage diversity and foster inclusion. Further, tracking participation in all events, internal and external, to balance power in meetings and address micro-inequalities;
During 2024, we will draft a new policy that advances the rights of women and girls in the transition to renewable energy. We will review legislation in at least 4 Latin American Countries to review whether the normative frameworks for just transition consider gender gaps. If not, we will lobby for improvements.