Maira Macdonal Alvarez
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, HRC Gender Focal Point, Permanent Mission of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva
Maira Macdonal Alvarez

It is important to highlight the value of the role of women in diplomacy. Defend and preserve the multilateralism is a must to face the global challenges of our time, but for it to be effective women participation, at all levels, is a fundamental requisite. Bolivia promotes the horizon of depatriarchalization as a way of dismantling the entire hierarchical system of subordination of women. We must address the problem from the root, promote cultural changes, equity, learn from the women that raise their voices in the past and include women of all sectors in our everyday efforts to achieve real gender equality.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

Continue to promote the International Day of Women in Diplomacy every June 24, following the first celebration organized in 2024 by the President of the Human Rights Council, UN Women and the Gender Focal Point. The purpose of this commitment is to create a space at the International Geneva where people could learn and value the women’s contributions to human rights, peace and security and sustainable development.
As HRC Gender Focal Point take concrete measures to increase women participation of women in the work of the HRC by a) promote the creation of a Gender Advisory Board in Geneva to join efforts of heads of UN Offices and Agencies, Ambassadors, experts and leaders to promote gender equality, identify key opportunities for gender mainstreaming and contribute to the ongoing efforts for gender equality in all multilateral fora in Geneva; b) promote a safe workplace by developing an online web page with relevant information on how to address possibles cases of sexual harassment with the support of the Secretariat and UNOG.