Melissa Fleming
Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications,
United Nations

Gender equality can propel humanity to a future where every voice resonates with the same power, purpose, and possibility.
But gender equality is much more than an aspiration; it is a fundamental human right. To realize it, communications can play a vital role.
Communicators can advocate for a world where women and girls claim their place in their society, with their rights and dignity upheld. They can foster online and offline spaces which encourage female leadership. And they can address gendered disinformation which “others,” attacks and silences women and girls.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.
Personal Commitments
Prioritize gender equality in UN communications: Ensure that the UN system amplifies the Secretary General’s call for collective action by governments, civil society and the private sector on gender equality, by placing women’s rights in the UN communications priorities for 2025.
Help address gendered disinformation: By calling for the implementation of the UN Global Principles for Information Integrity, help make the Internet safer for women and contribute to a healthier information ecosystem, where they are able to raise their voice on issue that matter to them.