Melita Župevc
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the UN, OSCE and other International Organisations in Vienna
Melita Župevc

Only a woman empowered with knowledge and skills can overcome the existing limiting social and gender norms and realize her full potential.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

Gender equality has been one of the top priorities of Slovenia for many years. I will ensure mainstreaming of gender in all our work, including by advocating the theme in our national statements and by bringing gender aspects into all relevant discussions and negotiations within the International Organisations based in Vienna.
Gender gap in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) remains significant. I will therefore promote programs that support women in pursuing and advancing careers in these fields, including dedicated events and networking opportunities.