Phil Lynch
Executive Director, International Service for Human Rights
Global Board
Phil Lynch

The promotion and protection of women's rights and gender equality and diversity are key goals for ISHR and the many inspiring women human rights defenders with whom we work. Discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation or gender identity is a violation of fundamental human rights and a denial of human dignity and potential. That’s why I’m delighted and committed to be an International Gender Champion and Global Board member. 

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

Champion the vital work of women human rights defenders to promote peace, justice and equality in their communities and our world. Consistently highlight the ways in which power, privilege, prejudice and patriarchy operate to subvert women's rights and advocate for women human rights defenders to be free and safe from threats, risks and restriction, including arbitrary detention. Advocate to ensure that the situation, risks and needs of women human rights defenders are reflected in all relevant resolutions, laws, policies and practices on which we work, including by continuing progress towards recognition of the international crime of gender apartheid as well as accountability for acts of gender persecution.
Promote gender diversity in senior leadership and management positions, aiming that at least 50% of ISHR Board and Executive Leadership Team positions are held by women, guaranteeing that at least 40% of such positions are held by women, and guaranteeing gender diversity as between the ISHR Board Chair, Vice Chair and Executive Director. Promote and enable flexible work arrangements, including through the continued effective implementation of an organisational policy on flexible working arrangements.