Piotr Hofmanski
Former President, International Criminal Court
Piotr Hofmanski

Among the various international courts and tribunals, the International Criminal Court has been a pioneer in terms of gender balance among its judges, and I am pleased that we currently have gender parity with nine female and nine male judges on our bench. At the same time, there is a long way to go to achieve effective equality of opportunities and gender parity among our workforce, particularly at the senior levels. I am proud of the many concrete steps that we have recently taken at the ICC, such as the establishment of a full-time Focal Point on Gender Equality as the first international court to do so, but it is essential that we continue to treat gender equality as a continuous priority that requires close attention and tangible efforts. This goes hand in hand with the critical objective of providing a safe and supportive work environment for all staff.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.