Robert Floyd
Executive Secretary,
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation

Developing actionable initiatives is imperative for breaking down barriers to gender equality and preparing our next generation, both women and men, to continue necessary reforms until this inequality ceases to exist.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.
Personal Commitments
I will continue the CTBTO’s pursuit of equal gender representation in the Professional and higher categories. In 2025, this will include the launch of an online professional community to bring together women interested in advancing WMD verification missions, where they can connect and build meaningful professional relationships, as well as have access to recruitment resources. Past and present CTBTO Mentoring Programme participants will be invited to participate as well as other women at different stages in their careers. Furthermore, I will launch the 4th cycle of the CTBTO Mentoring Programme for early career women in STEM, with a focus on participants from underrepresented geographical regions.
I remain committed to increasing the number of female participants benefitting from the CTBTO’s capacity building and training (CBT) programs and will continue to encourage States Signatories to nominate more women for these opportunities. Increased participation of women in our CBT programs promotes and advances knowledge and awareness of the CTBTO’s mission and creates a potential talent pipeline of competitive and qualified candidates to contribute to the work of the CTBTO.