Slavica Milačić
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Montenegro to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
Slavica Milačić

Let’s speak up and stand up together for everyday gender equality. Let’s everyday champion the unleashing of colossal, untapped, creative potential of women and girls. This can and must be done. Because championing and chasing the gender equality is moral and right. And the essence of human rights and dignity. But also irreplaceable and vital transformative power in building more peaceful, fair, just, and sustainable societies. In championing a world that delivers for all humanity. For this to happen, we need both women and men, girls and boys. And above all, we need informed, educated and networked women to work together, because the sky is the limit for what they can achieve then. To that, our group of female ambassadors and leaders of international settings here in Geneva - known as the ‘’Band of Sisters’’- is exemplary.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

I pledge to continue to advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls through active participation and addresses at multilateral forums in Geneva, particularly the Human Rights Council, the Universal Periodic Review, and other UN human rights mechanisms.
I commit to continue actively participating in events and activities to raise awareness of the importance of gender equality, by advocating the full participation of women in all spheres of political, economic and public life and equal opportunities at all levels of decision-making, and by ending all forms of discrimination, violence, and harmful practice towards women and girls.