Susan Eckey
Ambassador, Permanent Representative,
Norwegian Embassy and Permanent Mission of Norway to the International Organizations in Vienna

Upholding women's and girls' rights must be on our mind and in our actions every day, everywhere.
I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.
Personal Commitments
I will encourage Vienna-based organisations to promote gender balance and work-life balance at all levels as well as to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment, including by requesting regular updates on plans and resources allocated to achieve this aim.
I will promote gender transformative language in the normative work of the Vienna-based organisations, including in resolutions, and integrate key messages related to gender equality, gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity in statements. I will also promote gender inclusivity in programmes, projects, and policies as well as the meaningful and equal participation of women in meetings, panels, and side-events in the Vienna-based organisations by focusing on nominating and facilitating the participation of women representatives and experts.