Sylvie Bollini
Ambassador, Permanent Observer, Permanent Delegation of the Council of Europe to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
Sylvie Bollini

We can no longer accept that the place that should be the safest for each and every person – home – continues to be a source of violence for so many women and children. Domestic violence is a public issue, a gross violation of human rights.

I support the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.

I support the IGC gender-based violence pledge.

Personal Commitments

I will advocate for the widespread ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention on Combating and Preventing Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, by engaging with national and international partners. I will promote at least two public events, such as side events, conferences or high level diplomatic initiatives each year, ensuring the promotion of legally-binding standards and integration of pertinent legal provisions at national levels.
I commit to empowering youth as advocates for gender equality. I will raise awareness on gender equality with young people by regularly exchanging views with them. I will also offer to mentor some young representatives, and provide training and resources to at least 50 young leaders every year, equipping them with knowledge and skills to effectively promote gender equality in their communities and on global platforms.