October 04, 2018 @ 11:30 – October 04, 2018 @ 13:00
WTO Room E
Rue de Lausanne, 154
in Geneva 1202

Digital technologies offer women new opportunities to participate in international trade. Increasing offshoring, servicification and digitalisation in global value chains have enabled some developing countries to supply goods and services to businesses and final consumers. In theory, e-commerce offers women a number of advantages: lower transaction costs, access to larger or new markets, secure payment options and, arguably, faster productivity and output growth. For women to seize these opportunities, however, a number of things need to happen, from supportive domestic policies to innovative trade and trade-related policies.

This session will explore the opportunities to design and implement international trade policy to support women in e-commerce, by discussing evidence-based analysis of the key regulatory constraints to women participation in e-commerce, potential solutions through WTO and RTAs, regional experiences, and trade negotiators’ perspectives.

