Avenue de la Paix 14
in Geneva 1211
The panel will focus on strong and concrete recommendations on gender equality in the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and its Programme of Action – in all areas of discussion, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
The Key Aims of the Panel are:
To promote the need for gender issues to be mainstreamed throughout the Programme of Action, and acknowledged in the Preamble to the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework.
To contribute to outlining an achievable, realistic set of actions that need to be properly resourced to achieve gender equality in all four pillars of the Global Compact on Refugees, including addressing the overarching theme of sexual and gender-based violence.
Mr. Volker Turk, Assistant High Commissioner- Protection, UNHCR
Ms. Apajok Briar, South Sudan Voices of Salvation Inc.
Ms. Cheery Zahau, Co-founder of Women’s League of Chinland
Mr. Simon Marot Toulong, UNHCR Global Youth Advisory Council Delegate
Ms. Tina Dixson, Australian Women against Violence Alliance
Ms. Caroline Sergeant, World Bank Focal Point on the CRRF/Global Compact on Refugees
Co-ordinated by the Forced Migration Research Network, UNSW Australia with the Women’s Refugee Commission, in partnership with UNHCR’s Gender Equality and SGBV Units.
Visit UNHCR’s page on the High Commissioner’s Dialogue for more information: