March 08, 2019 @ 02:00 – March 08, 2019 @ 03:00
Palais des Nations - Room XXV
8-14 avenue de la paix
in Geneva 1202

Looking to the level of implementation of the recommendations, UPR Info’s analysis found that women’s rights and gender was the theme that had triggered highest action by mid-term. Quantitatively speaking, there is an undeniable ubiquity of women’s rights throughout the UPR. Out of over 57,000 recommendations made during cycle 1 and 2, women’s rights and gender accounted for over 10,700, of which 85% were accepted. Qualitatively speaking, however, there are shortfalls. The recommendations have generally been of a relatively low standard in terms of specificity; only 30% have been action-orientated. Too often, women have been clustered with other groups, such as children, and labelled collectively as “vulnerable”. This gender-stereotyping not only undermines their legitimacy as rights-holders, but also conflates issues, thus diluting the effectiveness of recommendations.  

With increased awareness and political will, States can synergise their efforts for the SDGs and UPR recommendations to include a common gender equality perspective in their implementation, harnessing the scope of both mechanisms to catalyse the promotion of gender equality in the 2030 agenda. 

The event will be open to nongovernmental organizations in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), members of the Permanent Missions, UN agencies and individuals who have access to the United Nations of Geneva.