This side event aims to present the current challenges of implementing SDG Target 5.c and provides concrete measures about how to ensure successful application of indicator 5.c.1 which currently is a Tier 2 indicator and needs to be improved to Tier 1 status. The speakers will provide case examples how SDG target 5.c. can be achieved and what needs to be done to make it become a reality in all UN Member States.
Speakers from Governments, UN, CSOs will share positions, recommendations on the current status with best practices and challenges in the area of the investment to the women's rights and gender equality and share experience from the GPEDC monitoring and provide lessons learn from monitoring.
Discussion will be on:
- Tools to address urgent challenges in underinvestment to women's rights and gender equality;
- Lessons from the monitoring of the indicator;
- Role of women’s groups in strengthening implementation of the target 5c1 and
- Ways forward.
Please find a link to the event's page here.