The International Gender Champions celebrated International Women’s Week from 4 to 8 March 2019. Here are some of the highlights of a successful celebration.
The launch of the IGC 2018 Annual Report: With 235 Champions onboard and 492 commitments made in 2018, IGC has had an increasingly significant impact on the way institutions tackle gender equality. Read the Annual Report to find out what the network has accomplished in 2018!
On the occasion of the launch, Geneva-based Champions were given the opportunity to take stock of their achievements and to discuss the way forward.
Over 25 events were organized among the network to celebrate International Women’s Week: Among those events, IGC organized the 2019 Geneva Gender Debate on gender-neutral language with the Graduate Institute on 6 March. In the tradition of the Oxford Union debates, four International Gender Champions took the stage to debate against (Inger Andersen of IUCN and Elhadj As Sy of IFRC) and for (Arancha Gonzalez of ITC and Ambassador Gaffey of Ireland) the motion “This House believes gender-neutral language is a necessity for gender equality”. The debate can be watched here.
IGC also organized a unique screening of Roma on 7 March in collaboration with Ciné ONU (UN Geneva) and the International Labour Organization, with the exceptional participation of the lead actress and Oscars nominee Yalitza Aparicio. On the eve of International Women’s Day, and on the occasion of the ILO’s centenary, the film offered an opportunity to celebrate ordinary women who played an extraordinary role in the history of their communities. A debate followed on gender inequalities and domestic workers.
8 new Champions onboard: IGC welcomed 8 new Champions this week: Ambassador Gabriela Sellner (Austria), Ambassador Alejandro Solano Ortiz (Costa Rica), Ambassador Morten Jespersen (Denmark), Ambassador David Hall (United Kingdom), Tanya Wood (CHS Alliance), Anna Macdonald (Control Arms), Kevin Osborne (International AIDS Society), Mona M’Bikay (UPR Info).
3,000 Twitter followers! @INTGenderChamps reached the number of 3,000 followers on Women’s Week.
Our work will of course continue all throughout the year to achieve gender equality!