International Gender Champions is a leadership network that brings together decision-makers determined to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence.
Andrej Benedejčič
Former Ambassador, Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the International Organizations in Vienna
Fatou Bensouda
International Criminal Court
Elin Bergithe Rognlie
Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations in Nairobi,
Ambassador to Kenya, Somalia and the Seychelles
Seth Berkley
Former Chief Executive Officer,
Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
Gillian Bird
Former Australian Ambassador to France with non-resident accreditation to Algeria, Mauritania and Monaco,
Australian Embassy in France
Marc-André Blanchard
Ambassador, Former Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in New York
Daniel Blockert
Former Ambassador,
Permanent Mission of Sweden to the World Trade Organization
Katalin Annamária Bogyay
Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations in New York
Sabine Böhlke-Möller
Former Ambassador,
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia to the United Nations in Geneva
Louis L. Bono
Chargé d’Affaires,
Permanent Mission of the United States of America to International Organisations in Vienna
Ridha Bouabid
Current Representative, WIPO Director General on the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
Former Permanent Representative, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
Volkan Bozkir
President of the 75th United Nations General Assembly,
United Nations General Assembly
Julian Braithwaite
Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations in Geneva
Anna Brandt
Former Ambassador,
Sweden to the OECD and UNESCO
Yoka Brandt
Former Permanent Representative,
Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations
Hans Brattskar
Ambassador, Former Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations in Geneva
Harald Braun
Former Ambassador,
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations in New York
Ingrid Brocková
Ambassador and Permanent Representative ,
Slovak Republic to the OECD
Gabriela Bucher
Former Executive Director,
Oxfam International
Alicia Buenrostro Massieu
Permanent Representative of Mexico to International Organizations in Vienna
Ivita Burmistre
Ambassador and Former Permanent Representative ,
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Latvia to the OECD and UNESCO
Nan Buzard
Current Head of Innovation, International Committee of the Red Cross,
Former Executive Director, International Council of Voluntary Agencies
Geraldine Byrne Nason
Former Ambassador, Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations in New York
Kate Byrnes
Current Deputy Chief of Mission, United States Embassy Athens,
Former Chargé d’Affaires, United States Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Kathy Calvin
Former President and CEO,
United Nations Foundation
Arianna Calza Bini
Gender and Mine Action Programme
Luis Alberto Campana Boluarte
Ambassador, Former Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Peru to the international organizations in Vienna
Mehmet Ferden Çarıkçı
Current Ambassador, Embassy of Turkey in Vienna ,
Former Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations in Geneva
Michael Carpenter
Former Ambassador,
U.S. Mission to the OSCE
Catarina Carvalho
Former United Nations Representative in Geneva and New York,
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Didier Chambovey
Former Ambassador, Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the WTO and EFTA (UN/ECE, UNCTAD, ITC)
Dr. Margaret Chan
Former Director-General,
World Health Organization
Alison Chartres
Former Australian High Commissioner to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda, Ambassador to Burundi; designate to Somalia ,
Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-Habitat
Siddharth Chatterjee
UN Resident Coordinator,
Kyeonglim Choi
Former Ambassador,
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations in Geneva
Marcelo Cima
Current Ambassador of Argentina to Belgium,
Former Ambassador to the European Union in Brussels and to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva
Mame Baba Cisse
Former Ambassador,
Permanent Mission of Senegal to the United Nations in Geneva
Maria Cleofe Natividad
Ambassador and Permanent Representative,
Philippine Embassy and Permanent Mission
Sue Coates
Executive Director,
Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council
Maria Zeneida Angara Collinson
Former Ambassador,
Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the International Organisations in Vienna
Pedro Afonso Comissário
Ambassador/Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mozambique to the United Nations in Geneva
Crispin Conroy
Former Ambassador, Permanent Observer,
International Chamber of Commerce
Regina Maria Cordeiro Dunlop
Ambassador ,
Embassy of Brazil to The Netherlands
Laetitia Courtois
Former Permanent Observer,
International Committee of the Red Cross to the United Nations
Bathsheba "Sheba" Nell Crocker
Ambassador, Former Permanent Representative,
U.S. Mission to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva
Alberto Pedro D'Alotto
Former Ambassador,
Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations in Geneva
Amadeu Paulo Samuel Da Conceição
Ambassador, Former Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of Mozambique to the United Nations in Geneva
Hans-Joachim Daerr
Former Ambassador,
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations in Geneva