Upcoming Events
Past Events
The Buenos Aires Declaration on Women and Trade at Year One
Opening evening panel - A Trade and Gender Conference on Closing the Gender Gaps hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank Group and IGC-Trade Impact Group
TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen is a unique event, bringing people together around “ideas worth spreading”, in the form of short, impactful speeches and performances.
Gender & Cities
What do regional and frontline feminists have in common with digital visionaries who are also focused on democracy, inclusion, and transformation?
Women@theTable will convene experts, and expert feminists each separately focused on technology, gender, democracy, urban planning, or climate change for a discussion on shared visions and potential collaborations.
Women@theTable will convene experts, and expert feminists each separately focused on technology, gender, democracy, urban planning, or climate change for a discussion on shared visions and potential collaborations.
Accountability for Preventing, Mitigating and Responding to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings: The primacy of dignity and rights
Join a conversation for the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.
Women and Youth in Mine Action: Building stronger communities
With case studies from Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia, the side event will highlight how international assistance in mine action is unlocking the potential of women and youth to build more resilient communities.
Film Screening : 'We the Women of Afghanistan: a Silent Revolution' by Nahid Shahalimi
A special screening hosted by H.E Ms. Rosemary McCarney, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada, along with the Permanent Missions of Afghanistan and Germany, followed by a panel discussion in presence of the filmmaker.
Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention and Gender
IGC-Disarmament Impact Group side event: the importance of integrating gender perspectives in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention APLC
Art against violence. From violence to resilience, from women’s perspective
This exhibition is organized within the context of the International day for the elimination of violence against women, and of the '16 days of activism' campaign fighting violence against women.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: a Women’s Take
Seventy years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this event will highlight the contribution of women to the historic document and what it means to women in their daily lives. On the panel will be the Deputy High Commissioner of Human Rights, the Permanent Representative of Rwanda and an academic from Stockholm University in Sweden.