UN Women Press release: Equal Pay International Coalition calls to prioritize pay equity in COVID-19 recovery with support from Megan Rapinoe

To mark the first International Equal Pay Day, the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) called all leaders to take necessary steps to ensure pay equity is at the heart of COVID-19 recovery efforts worldwide.

Organisational culture for gender equality: in conversation with Elizabeth Broderick and Michael Møller

As part of the Gender Champions Challenge, the Australian Mission in Geneva and the IGC held a high-level discussion to explore concrete ways to advance a more inclusive workplace culture on 23 July 2020.

IGC's Five-Year Anniversary Podcasts: Two Champions reflect on the future of IGC & gender equality

To celebrate IGC's anniversary, Ambassador Pennelope Beckles (Trinidad & Tobago) and Guy Ryder (International Labour Organization) partcipated in a new IGC podcast series.

IGC's Five-Year Anniversary: Changing Institutions & Mindsets

As part of IGC's Fifth Anniversary celebrations, the leaders of four Impact Groups in Trade, Disarmament, Representation & Justice, gathered on 1 July 2020 to reflect on what has worked, as well as opportunities and challenges going forward.

Five years of commitment, collaboration & impact: Champions celebrate IGC’s five-year anniversary and look forward to the future

On 29 June 2020, Champions and Alumni kicked off a week-long celebration of the International Gender Champions (IGC) initiative’s fifth anniversary during a cross-hub virtual event.

The International Gender Champions initiative celebrates its five-year anniversary

To mark 5 years of commitment, collaboration and impact, the International Gender Champions network is organizing a week-long virtual celebration from 29 June to 3 July 2020.

Protecting girls’ rights with responsive law and policy

An opinion piece by Anne-Sophie Lois, UN Representative, Head of Office, Plan International Geneva.

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict

An opinion piece by IGC Champion Melinda Reed, Executive Director, Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice (WIGJ)

Listening - a key leadership capacity in times of disruption

A blog summarizing an interactive online workshop held in April for the Gender Champions Network.

COVID-19: Quarantine Measures and Their Impact on Domestic Violence

In a webinar hosted by the Co-chairs of the IGC Justice Impact Group in The Hague, Ambassador Annika Markovic and Ambassador Lisa Helfand, experts took a closer look at one particular challenge of the ongoing pandemic: domestic violence.