ITU's International Girls in ICT Day Celebration: Global Dialogue on Access and Safety

The Girls in ICT Global Dialogue on Access and Safety will mark this year’s celebration of Girls in ICT Day. It will take place in the framework of the WSIS Forum 2022, as part of the Gender Mainstreaming track in which the forum promotes and maintains gender equality and women empowerment, guaranteeing the inclusion of women in STEM/ICT.
April 28, 2022 @ 14:00

Gender-Responsive Disarmament in Policy and Practice

The Permanent Mission of Sweden to the UN and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs
invite you to a panel discussion on gender-responsive and inclusive disarmament policy
in line with the women and peace and security (WPS) agenda.
April 25, 2022 @ 10:30

UNECE RFSD's Side Event: Tracking and Monitoring Financing for Gender Equality

This side event presents the current challenges of implementing Target 5.c and provides concrete measures about how to ensure successful application of indicator 5.c.1 which currently is a Tier 2 indicator and needs to be improved to Tier 1 status. The speakers will provide case examples how the target 5.c. can be achieved and what needs to be done to make SDG 5.c. become a reality in all member countries of the United Nations.
April 06, 2022 @ 13:00

The YW4A Partnership-Global Launch Webinar

Introduction to the YW4A Partnership and Initiative: get to know the programme’s vision, objectives, pathways and countries of focus
April 04, 2022 @ 16:00

Webinar: Gender and Climate Change: an Update from the Commission on the Status of Women

This one-hour hybrid webinar aims to bring focus and clarity to the key messages, challenges and opportunities emerging from CSW66 and the priority theme: Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies, and programmes. Speakers will bring insights from their area of work and bring forward suggestions for collective action to address feminist action for climate justice.
March 29, 2022 @ 12:30