WINS: Virtual Launch of Self-assessment and Evaluation Tool on Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

The World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) invites all nuclear security stakeholders to attend the virtual launch of their self-assessment, evaluation and action plan tool for achieving and sustaining gender equality, diversity and inclusion in their organisations. This virtual launch is designed to inform leaders and managers, staff of organisations and human resource professionals supporting the mission of organisations involved in nuclear security.
September 14, 2022 @ 16:00

Geneva Focal Points Meeting

September 06, 2022 @ 10:30

IGC Disarmament Impact Group's CCM Side Event: Gender and diversity in the implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Updates on progress

This side event aims to showcase recent achievements and plans for the future in the implementation of the CCM.
September 01, 2022 @ 13:15

Permanent Mission of South Africa in Geneva: Successes and Challenges of Equal Participation of Women and Men in Pursuit of the Purpose of the Conventional Arms Treaties and their Implementation

The Permanent Mission of South Africa hosts this virtual side event on the "Successes and Challenges of Equal Participation of Women and Men in Pursuit of the Purpose of the Conventional Arms Treaties and their Implementation" on the margins of the 8th Conference of the States Parties of the Arms Trade Treaty.
August 22, 2022 @ 13:30

IGC Disarmament Impact Group's NPT Side Event: From Pillars to Progress: Gender Mainstreaming in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

This interactive meeting on the margins of the 10th Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference (NPT RevCon) will take stock of progress on gender mainstreaming during this review cycle and identify concrete measures to advance gender diversity, gender analysis and gender equality in nuclear non-proliferation, disarmament, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
August 12, 2022 @ 13:15

OutRight Action International: Ending Gender-Based Violence: Policies to increase Protections for LGBTIQ people and advance SDG5

This event aims to highlight the different realities on combating gender-based violence in different regions of the world with a focus on LGBTIQ populations. Gender-based violence and harmful practices happen due to root causes that affect women in all of their diversity and LGBTIQ populations, such as heteronormative patriarchy, and those need to be discussed. This event will share challenges and good practices and highlight how to tackle gender-based violence toward LGBTIQ populations.
July 07, 2022 @ 19:00

Launch of the Study on Reparations for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine: Opportunities and Prospects

The Global Survivors Fund and its Ukrainian partners EUCCI, Blue Bird and Truth Hounds invite you to the Launch of the Study on Reparations for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine: Opportunities and Prospects, a hybrid side-event to the 50th Session of the UN Human Rights Council.

Please join the event along with survivors, representatives of the government of Ukraine, members of the international community and other key stakeholders for a dialogue on the status, challenges and the way forward for reparations for survivors and victims in Ukraine.
July 05, 2022 @ 12:15

UN Women and UNDP: Government Responses to COVID-19: Lessons on Gender Equality for a World in Turmoil

The overlapping impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, accelerating climate disasters and geopolitical conflict are a threat to gender equality and women’s rights across the globe. A new report by UN Women and UNDP shows what governments can do now to prevent further rollbacks and recover lost ground, while enhancing resilience and preparedness for future shocks. Government Responses to COVID-19: Lessons on Gender Equality for a World in Turmoil draws on a unique global dataset of nearly 5,000 measures adopted by 226 countries and territories in response to COVID-19. It analyzes the extent to which these measures have responded to the specific challenges that women have faced, highlights gaps as well as good practices, and looks at the factors that have enabled a stronger gender response across countries.
June 29, 2022 @ 13:30