Leadership Network

International Gender Champions is a leadership network that brings together decision-makers determined to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence.

Anna Joubin-Bret

Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). , United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)

Manizha Bakhtari

Ambassador, Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Vienna

Dr. Andrea Barschdorf-Hager

CEO and Marketing Director, CARE Austria

Ian Biggs

Ambassador, Australian Embassy to Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia & Slovenia and Permanent Mission to the IAEA, UNODC, CTBTO, UNOOSA & OSCE

Brigitte Brenner

Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the IPU to the UN and other International Organizations in Vienna, Inter-Parliamentary Union

Dr. Emil Brix

Ambassador and Director, Diplomatische Akademie Wien

Anne-Marie Callan

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Ireland to the OSCE

Luis Javier Campuzano Piña

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Mexico to International Organizations in Vienna

Susan Eckey

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Norwegian Embassy and Permanent Mission of Norway to the International Organizations in Vienna

Matteo Fachinotti

Ambassador, Resident Representative to the IAEA and Permanent Representative to the CTBTO PrepCom, Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the OSCE, the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna

Stephanie Fenkart

Director, International Institute for Peace

Robert Floyd

Executive Secretary, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation

Monika Froehler

CEO, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens

Laura Gil Savastano

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Embassy and Permanent Mission of Colombia to the International Organizations in Vienna

Eglantina Gjermeni

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Albania to the International Organisations in Vienna
Global Board
Rafael Mariano Grossi

Rafael Mariano Grossi

Director-General, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Christian Grønbech-Jensen

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Embassy and Permanent Mission of Denmark to the international organizations in Vienna

Carl Hallergård

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Delegation of the European Union to the International Organisations in Vienna

Aarti Holla-Maini

Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Rebecca Jovin

Chief of Office, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs at Vienna (UNODA)

Atsushi Kaifu

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna

Corinne Kitsell

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to IAEA and CTBTO, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations in Vienna

Thomas Lambert

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Belgium to the OSCE

Niamh Leinwather

Secretary General, Vienna International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

Debora Lepre

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Italy to the International Organizations in Vienna

Artur Lorkowski

Director, Energy Community

Troy Lulashnyk

Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Canada to the International Organisations in Vienna

Annika Markovic

Ambassador to Austria and Slovakia and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Sweden to the UN and the International Organisations in Vienna

Natasha Meli Daudey

Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Malta in Vienna, Embassy/Permanent Mission of the Republic of Malta in Vienna

Rapulane Sydney Molekane

Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the International Organisations in Vienna , Embassy and Permanent Representation of the Republic of South Africa to Austria

Győrgy Molnár

Ambassador, Head of Secretariat, The Wassenaar Arrangement

Gerd Müller

Director General, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Raphael Nägeli

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the OSCE, the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna

Damilola Ogunbiyi

CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All and Co-Chair of UN-Energy, SEforALL

Rasa Ostrauskaite

Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the OSCE in Vienna , Delegation of the European Union to the International Organisations in Vienna

Josipa Palac

President, International Cultural Diversity Organization (ICDO)

Véronique Pepin-Hallé

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Delegation of Canada to the OSCE

Andreas Persbo

Director, One Earth Future Austria - Open Nuclear Network

Olga Sauma

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Embassy of Costa Rica in Austria

Edit Schlaffer

Founder & Chair, Women without Borders

María Sebastián de Erice

Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Spain to UNOV and other International Organizations in Vienna

Gabriela Sellner

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations (Vienna), IAEA, UNIDO and CTBTO PrepCom

Ronen Shaul

Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Israel to the IAEA and the CTBTO PrepCom

Elena K. Sokova

Executive Director, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP)

Prof. Slagjana Taseva

Dean and Executive Secretary, International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)

Nina Vaskunlahti

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Embassy and Permanent Mission of Finland to the International Organizations in Vienna

Julia Emma Villatoro Tario

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the International Organisations in Vienna

Ghada Fathi Waly

Director-General/Executive Director, United Nations Office at Vienna/United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime