Leadership Network

International Gender Champions is a leadership network that brings together decision-makers determined to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence.

Christophe Payot

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United Nations Office and specialised institutions in Geneva

Geir Otto Pedersen

UN Special Envoy for Syria, UN Office of the Special Envoy for Syria

Véronique Pepin-Hallé

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Delegation of Canada to the OSCE

Andreas Persbo

Director, One Earth Future Austria - Open Nuclear Network

Ib Petersen

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

Marie-Thérèse Pictet-Althann

Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the United Nations in Geneva

Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette

Présidente, Haut Conseil à l'Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes

Anita Pipan

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to the UN in Geneva

Birgit Poniatowski

Executive Director, International AIDS Society

Hilary Power

UN Geneva Director, Human Rights Watch

Andrii Pravednyk

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ukraine, Embassy of Ukraine to Kenya

Tobias Privitelli

Director, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)

Marie-Hélène Proulx

President, The International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA)

Gerhard J.W. Putman-Cramer

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

Bob Rae

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations

Dr. Salma Rasheed

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations Offices at Geneva

Thomas Renard

Director, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT)

Garance Reus-Deelder

Director, Plan International

Jean-Pierre Reymond

Executive Director, 2050Today

Ana Cristina Rodríguez Pineda

Ambassador, Embassy of Guatemala to the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Joanna Roper

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to OPCW, Embassy of the United Kingdom to The Netherlands

Yannick Roulin

Director, Ambassador, Centre d'Accueil de la Genève Internationale

Alice Ruhweza

Senior Director, Global Policy Influence and Engagement , World Wide Fund for Nature International

Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations

Marie-Laure Salles

Director, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Eleanor Sanders

Ambassador for Human Rights, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations in Geneva

Peter Sands

Executive Director, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Olga Sauma

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Embassy of Costa Rica in Austria

Christian F. Saunders

Under Secretary-General, Office of the Special Coordinator on Improving UN Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OSCSEA)

Carlien Scheele

Director, European Institute for Gender Equality

Edit Schlaffer

Founder & Chair, Women without Borders

Heidi Schroderus-Fox

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

Kirsten Schuijt

Director General, WWF International

Désirée Schweitzer

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva

María Sebastián de Erice

Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Spain to UNOV and other International Organizations in Vienna

Kaddu K. Sebunya

Chief Executive Officer, African Wildlife Foundation

Evangelos Sekeris

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations in New York

Gabriela Sellner

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations (Vienna), IAEA, UNIDO and CTBTO PrepCom

Magdalena Sepúlveda

Director, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Nikhil Seth

Executive Director, United Nations Institute for Training and Research

Ronen Shaul

Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Israel to the IAEA and the CTBTO PrepCom

Elena K. Sokova

Executive Director, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP)

Elizabeth Spehar

Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)

Mirjana Spoljaric

President, International Committee of the Red Cross

María del Carmen Squeff

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations in New York

Darius Staniulis

Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Lithuania to the UN Office and other International Organizations in Geneva

Maxime Stauffer

Co-CEO, Simon Institute for Longterm Governance

Achim Steiner

Administrator, UNDP